Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Murabbi

My Murabbi blog is specially design as one of the teaching material for the final project : Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching

Monday, November 16, 2009

Avoiding Digital Abyys I

Avoiding Digital Abyys II

Avoiding Digital Abbys III

Avoiding Digital Abbys IV

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Avoiding Digital Abbys V

Avoiding Digital Abbys VI

Prophet Muhammad’s Method of Teaching: Teaching Instruction

Prophet Muhammad’s Method of Teaching

Teaching Sequence

My teaching sequence is about Prophet Muhammad’s Method of Teaching. This subject is design for final year student of Bachelor of Islamic Education. I will put this subject as the second topic in my teaching syllabus for the next semester. Each semester contains 14 weeks of teaching. The teaching sequence involves:

1. Introduction

2. Power point presentation on Prophet Muhammad’s Method of Teaching

3. Question and answer session on Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching and its relevance on presence educational setting

4. Discussion on how to apply prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching in classroom

5. Exploring Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching through website and do some comparison with recent method of teaching

6. Role Playing of Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching

7. Evaluation through written form (checklist of Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching)

Learning Objectives

The learning objective of the teaching sequence is as above:

1. To develop student’s understanding on Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching

2. To develop student’s ability to make a comparison between Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching with other methods of teaching

3. To develop student skill on applying Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching on their daily life

Teaching Material

The main material for my the teaching sequence is power point presentation, simple lecture note, website and checklist.

I select power point presentation because it is suitable with the class size (30 students), user friendly (easy to update, easy to show the most important point in the subject, easy to integrate with other teaching material such as websites, chart, video and graphic, possibility for animation), and look professional. I design this power point as simple as possible because I want to focus on its point. At the end of the slide, I put a question for student to think?

I use website because it would enable the student to access and explore the learning material outside classroom. It will encourage my student to explore any information which is related with the subject. I choose blue color and Caravansi song by Kitaro for this website because it is cool and give calm effect to the student. Besides, I also put a photo or graphic for each topic to attract their attention and avoid dull presentation. Learning objective is state clearly at the side-bar to make the student alert with learning objective and clear with the learning expectation. A list of the subtopic is arranged from top to down to make them easily know the sequence and explore the subject. Website is interesting because of its interactive nature. Thus, I try to optimize the space for the student to communicate by providing unlimited space for comment or suggestion, giving them a poll and create a chat-box or e-forum in the website.

Other teaching material is one page lecture note which contains a mind-mapping diagram of Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching. This diagram is important as cues to understand the subject.

Other material such as video would not be used in this teaching sequence because those three materials are adequate enough to achieve the learning objectives. Other than that, video is not suitable because of time constrain and uninteractive.

Instructional Strategies: ASSURE Model

I adapt ASSURE Model as prime instructional strategies because the main objective of the model is to ensure the effectiveness of teaching using media and technology. In ASSURE Model, the strategies are:

1. Analyze the learner

2. State the objective

3. Select methods, media and materials

4. Utilize materials

5. Require learning participation

6. Evaluate and revise

Analyze the Learner

Analyzing the learner include their general characteristic, specific entry competence and their learning style. For this case, in general, my students are Muslim, having strong religious background, aged 22 to 23 years old, final year student, do not have any teaching experience before are actively involves in training and development program in campus. 17 of them are boys, the rest is girls. Their previous CGPA are rank between 2.77 to 3.97. They are IT literate and easily adapt to any technological advancement. Most of their IQ is high average. Three of them are categories into genius. As brilliant young adult, all learning styles are suitable to describe them: concrete sequential (direct hands on), concrete random (trial and error h), abstract random (draw meaning from human mediated presentation) and abstract sequential learning (decode verbal and symbolic message).

State the Objective

Objective statement is determining the goal of the teaching and learning process. The objective statement contains student’s participation and achievement in learning process, specific targeting behavior, specific learning conditions and the degree of learning performance.

Methods, Media and Material Selection

Methods, media and material selection are made base on the learning objective and the learner’s profile. In this step, I will adjust their selection with some limitation of resources in teaching such as technological skill, time, teaching material, venue and budget. However, it is pertinent to ensure all of the methods; media and material are adequate to support learning process and knowledge development.

Utilize the Material

In utilizing the material, I will preview first each material before using it to ensure it is appropriate with my student and meet the learning objective. Then, all of the teaching material will be gathering and arrange in sequence. Besides, I will prepare the learning environment by arranging facilities for learning. I would also suggest my student to bring their laptop during the teaching session to facilitate their learning process.

Require Learning Participation

Student’s participation enables the process of transferring the information into student’s knowledge, attitude and skill development. Therefore, I will ensure my student are actively involves in each learning sequence by giving appreciation, positive learning environment, suitable learning task, encourage group discussion, and give them adequate time and space.

Evaluate and Revise

Evaluation will be made to check either the learning objectives is achieve or not. I will evaluate the effectiveness of each teaching method and material that I use before, within and after the teaching session. Evaluation will also be made by my student by giving them freedom to give any comment or suggestion to improve the learning process. Besides, I will also evaluate the student performance by their works, contribution in learning process and the teaching method’s checklist.

Specific Problems & Solutions

These problems might occur during preparing the teaching material and during teaching session:

1. Electrical breakdown

2. Server breakdown

3. Paper cost

4. Time consuming

5. Virus attack

6. Technical error

Electrical Breakdown

Electrical breakdown would distract the usage of power point presentation and website. Therefore, I would suggest the department to provide alternative power supply for emergency such as batteries, generator and solar energy. Besides, I should provide adequate hard copy of the lecture note and optimize the usage of white-board and flip-chart in class. Other than that, I could also cancel the presentation and ask the student to go to the library. Giving them certain relevant question of Prophet Muhammad’s method of teaching for one hour and coming back to present the result to the class.

Server breakdown

Student unable to open my website when the internet connection is fail to connect. Thus, I will put the website content into several CD and allow the student to insert the software into their laptop or thumb-drive for further reference. Other than that, the problem is usually temporary. Therefore, I might give them one week to explore and get their feedback on it.

Paper cost

Paper cost could be reducing through e-learning. Students could download all the notes and learning material through e-learning easily.

Time Limitation

As academician, our focus is not only teaching. There are several other duties that we have to perform: research, publication, career development, mentoring, administrative work and extension program or professional consultation. Therefore, each teaching sequence must be planned earlier. All of the notes should be put into e-learning. It will help a lot if sometimes we need to go abroad for academic matter. Other than that, we could optimize the usage of previous work from our cliques with their permission. For example, I will use Sister Radwah Abu Bakar’s power point presentations and make several adjustments into it. Adjustment is needed to ensure it is match with the audience and the learning objective.

Virus Attack

I will always update my anti-virus and get technical assistant if it is beyond control. Other than that, I should provide another copy of my work either in the internet (e-learning, blog, e-file), CD, thumb-drive and external hard drive (96 gig).

Technical Skill

I will improve my technical skill by joining any training courses to enhance my skill in teaching or manipulating any new technological advancement which is relevant to my field of study. Usually, the department provides free training for this purpose. Other than that, I would also refer to the technical expertise in my department for any difficulty.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Teaching Sequence I

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Teaching Sequence II

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Teaching Sequence III

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Teaching Sequence IV

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Teaching Sequence

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Power Point Presentation I

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Power Point Presentation II

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Power Point Presentation III

Prophet Muhammad's Method of Teaching: Power Point Presentation IV

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Making of a Great Leader: Muhammad al-Fateh

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Purpose of Education

Do Not Wait to Correct an Error

Be The Best

The Definition of Success

Person Centered

KITE Case Study

Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning

Case number 7022


The teacher use Power Point and Game Show Pro to encourage student’s participation in World Geography class. Using both media, the students are required to answer the questions in a specific time. The students are allowed to discuss with their group. The answer will be discussed with the teacher at the end of the session. The teacher becomes facilitator, monitoring the process and encourage student to be actively involves in the discussion with other student. The teacher prefers to use power point because it is faster, user friendly and need less control. The students prefer Game Show Pro rather than Power Point but it is difficult to be organized and covered less questions.


The teacher was choosing appropriate media to deliver each unit of the subject. The media is also suitable with the student ability and competency in using technology. The teacher do not have any problem in handling the media because he frequently using it in the class. Furthermore, he had 9 years teaching experiences. Power point has its own power in supporting student’s understanding in class when the teacher knows the best way to use it in the class. Power point is easy to update, looks professional, easy to integrate with classroom discussion, suitable either for large or small group and possible to add with animation or graphic. The teacher’s level of competency in handling the Game Show Pro software is weak but the students prefer the game show rather than the power point presentation. That’s mean the alternate media is suitable for the subject and student’s competence but the teacher need more training and support in using it in his class.

Suggestions for Improvement

The selection of media is good but the teacher needs to do some improvement to enhance the effectiveness in his teaching and learning process. I think the teacher should make the slide becomes more interesting by adding more interactive graphic, photos and animation. The teacher could integrate the power point with some videos, audio and music which is suitable with the subject to enhance the effectiveness of learning. The power point should not only use for giving the question, it should also be used to give interesting/important information regarding the subject. Besides that, the teacher should communicate more with the students. He should actively involve in the student’s discussion and provokes them to think and getting better understanding of certain issues. Other than that, the teacher could use internet, books, map, journal article, encyclopedia, magazine, pamphlets, newspaper cutting and model as another alternative/supportive media to enhance student’s understanding on World Geography.