Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Purpose of Education
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
9:57 PM
Labels: Assignment II, Instructional Poster
Do Not Wait to Correct an Error
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
9:49 PM
Labels: Assignment II, Instructional Poster
Be The Best
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
9:37 PM
Labels: Assignment II, Instructional Poster
The Definition of Success
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
9:29 PM
Labels: Assignment II, Instructional Poster
Person Centered
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
9:15 PM
Labels: Assignment II, Instructional Poster
KITE Case Study
Case number 7022
The teacher use Power Point and Game Show Pro to encourage student’s participation in World Geography class. Using both media, the students are required to answer the questions in a specific time. The students are allowed to discuss with their group. The answer will be discussed with the teacher at the end of the session. The teacher becomes facilitator, monitoring the process and encourage student to be actively involves in the discussion with other student. The teacher prefers to use power point because it is faster, user friendly and need less control. The students prefer Game Show Pro rather than Power Point but it is difficult to be organized and covered less questions.
The teacher was choosing appropriate media to deliver each unit of the subject. The media is also suitable with the student ability and competency in using technology. The teacher do not have any problem in handling the media because he frequently using it in the class. Furthermore, he had 9 years teaching experiences. Power point has its own power in supporting student’s understanding in class when the teacher knows the best way to use it in the class. Power point is easy to update, looks professional, easy to integrate with classroom discussion, suitable either for large or small group and possible to add with animation or graphic. The teacher’s level of competency in handling the Game Show Pro software is weak but the students prefer the game show rather than the power point presentation. That’s mean the alternate media is suitable for the subject and student’s competence but the teacher need more training and support in using it in his class.
Suggestions for Improvement
The selection of media is good but the teacher needs to do some improvement to enhance the effectiveness in his teaching and learning process. I think the teacher should make the slide becomes more interesting by adding more interactive graphic, photos and animation. The teacher could integrate the power point with some videos, audio and music which is suitable with the subject to enhance the effectiveness of learning. The power point should not only use for giving the question, it should also be used to give interesting/important information regarding the subject. Besides that, the teacher should communicate more with the students. He should actively involve in the student’s discussion and provokes them to think and getting better understanding of certain issues. Other than that, the teacher could use internet, books, map, journal article, encyclopedia, magazine, pamphlets, newspaper cutting and model as another alternative/supportive media to enhance student’s understanding on World Geography.
Posted by
Bijaksana TnC
8:51 PM
Labels: Assignment I, Case Study